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This page highlights the several resources available at the Institute of Tropical Forest Conservation that are useful for students, researchers and managers. Whether you are visiting ITFC for a shorter stay or longer stay, these resources will be of importance toward attaining your needs.

  1. Library: We have a well-stocked and up to date library at ITFC with books, journals and unpublished reports/publications. You can check out the library catalogue of books here
  2. Herbarium: We have a field herbarium at ITFC that has several plant species collected from Bwindi and other protected areas of the Albertine region. You can check out the list of plants in our herbarium here
  3. Satellite Internet: While at ITFC, you will stay connected to the world via a fast satellite internet connection.
  4. Accommodation: ITFC can provide good accommodation facilities for students, researchers and others that intend to stay at Ruhija.

For some facilities and resources, ITFC charges a small fee and you can find the details of these fees and charges here. Feel free to contact us with any questions and requests.