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The value of education and research is to improve and sustain all of life, and the more people involved, in the process the better the overall work and results. With that in mind, we encourage you to get involved by doing any one or even all of the following activities - as your routines and life allow.

  • Carry out Research with us. If you are interested in carrying out sociological or ecological research with us, reach out via the contact form and we shall get back to you in that regard.
  • Donate towards our work. By donating towards our work, the impact you create is unimaginable for conservation and for the future of the earth.
  • Visit Us in Bwindi. Come to Bwindi and pay us a visit in Ruhija
  • Volunteer at ITFC. We always welcome volunteers to be part of our team and make a change one day at a time, send us an email via the contact form and let us work out all the details together.
  • Read our Research. Learn more about what we have done and what we are doing by reading our research and even sharing it with friends and family.
  • Talk about us and our work. If you like our work, why not spread the good word? Whatever your preferred way is, we shall be appreciative and the whole world will be. 
  • Actively start conserving the earth. You can take small steps to do your part in conserving the earth for the future generations.
  • Follow us on social media
  • Give us feedback. Let us know what you think of our work and help us improve it further.
  • Give us recommendations/suggestions